The works of art shown on this website are protected by Swedish copyright law (SFS 1960:729). This entails that the works may not be reproduced or made available to the public without permission from the copyright holder. Examples of use requiring permission are: copying the work to another website or internal networks, or making works available or reproducing them in other ways, regardless of method.
Works of art by originators represented by the Visual Copyright Society in Sweden (Bildupphovsrätt i Sverige) are reproduced on this website with permission from the Visual Copyright Society. If you wish to use one of these works, please apply to the Visual Copyright Society.
The transparency principle
Moderna Museet is a government agency. In consequence, any messages sent to us are public documents.
Digital Accessibility
Moderna Museet’s ambition is that its digital presence shall comply as far as possible to established web standards and “vägledning för webbutveckling (fd 24-timmarsvägledningen)“(guidelines for web development, previously the 24-hour guideline). We strive to follow the guidelines for Swedish government organisations and the requirements on accessibility and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The tool for administering and publishing information is based on the web publication system WordPress. Our website was developed in accordance with recommended standards, rather than for a specific browser.
According to the Swedish act on electronic communication, SFS 2003:389, implemented on 25 July, 2003, all visitors to a website with cookies must receive notification of the fact that the website features cookies, what these cookies are used for, and how cookies can be avoided. A cookie is a small text file that is stored in the visitor’s computer and contains information. Cookies are normally used to enhance the website for the user.
There are two kinds of cookies
The first kind, called a permanent cookie, saves a file that is stored in the visitor’s computer. It is used, for instance, to adapt a website to the visitor’s preferences, selections and interests. It is also used for statistical follow-up.
The second kind is called a session cookie. It is stored temporarily in the visitor’s computer memory only during the visit to the website. Session cookies are erased when the browser is closed. No personal data about the visitor, such as e-mail address or name, is stored, Our website uses both kinds of cookie.
Avoid cookies
If you do not accept the use of cookies, you can block cookies via your web browser’s security settings. You can also set the browser to notify you every time the website wants to leave a cookie on your computer.
General information about cookies and the new act on electronic communication is available on the Swedish Post and Telecom Agency (PTS).
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Moderna Museet uses PDF files for some documents on the website. To read a PDF, you need Acrobat Reader, which is a free download.
Published 3 December 2015 · Updated 22 February 2024