photo collage with dancer and person drawing

Drawing Party, 2025 Photo: Håkan Larsson/Skånes Dansteater, Alexandra Giertz/Moderna Museet

Croquis – Dance – Music – Bar!

Drawing Party with dancers

14.2 2025


We invite you to a drawing party! Dancers from Skånes Dansteater move to music in the middle of the exhibition in the Turbine Hall. We draw sketches and try to capture the movements on paper! Don’t want to draw? Come and hang out in Kafé Sisko and see the exhibition on floor 2. We are open until 21.00.

Welcome to a Friday evening at the museum with music and concentrated drawing surrounded by art. For two hours we draw – train eye and hand, follow the movements of the dancers as they alternately move and freeze their positions.

Tonight’s program

We draw in 2 x 45-minute croquis sessions with a 30-minute break in between. Kafé Sisko is open throughout the evening.
At 17.30 We open, possibility to buy a drink ticket for the break
At 17.45 Admission to the Turbine Hall
At 18.00 – 18.45 Dance croquis
At 18.45 – 19.15 Break. Kafé Sisko open
At 19.15 – 20.00 Dance croquis
At 20.00 – 21.00 Kafé Sisko open for after-hours


Bring your own material. We recommend pencils, coloured pencils, crayons. No wet paint, erasers or pencil sharpeners may be brought into the exhibition halls. Bring enough material for 2 x 45 minute sessions. It is good to have a mat or sturdy drawing pad as the seats are without a table. If you prefer a digital drawing board, take it.

This is how we do

Find a seat. Study and draw the dancers who alternately move and stand still in various long positions. You do the drawing yourself, for those of you who are beginners, we share tips and tricks to get you started. Everyone is welcome, regardless of previous croquis experience. You draw independently without instructions.

What is croquis?

Croquis is a classic way to practice drawing and seeing, almost like an artistic workout. The word comes from French and means “sketch”. It is characterized by quick sketches of live model and exercises the ability to see form, volume, proportion and balance. Dance adds pace, pulse and movement.
The drawing party is one of several ways we celebrate Moderna Museet Malmö’s 15 years! Do you want to find more drawing opportunities? Come to Drink & Draw, Thursday evenings once a month.

Participating dancers

Matilda Bjärum, Hanna Nussbaumer, Simone Frederick Scacchetti, Emma Välimäki

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