Sensing Nature from Within: Monstra
Performance directed by Elisabete Finger and Manuela Eichner
8.2 2020
In many cultures, the earth has been praised as a woman or a womb and worshiped as Mother Earth. At the same time, women’s involvement with the surrounding nature has often been condemned as witchcraft and severely punished. In a format reminiscent of a ritual, Monstra sets the classic against the absurd and the organic against the artificial. In the encounter between these contrasts, many of our cultures’ arbitrary ideas of man’s position in relation to nature and of acceptable female behavior are manifested. Over the course of the performance, the bodies of women and plants gradually become wilder, increasingly unpredictable, stronger and potentially dangerous.
The work is performed by Kitty Katt, Danielli Mendes, Josefa Pereira, Mariana Costa, and Patrícia Bergantin, all of whom have also contributed to the choreography.
Be advised that some scenes are strong in character.
The performance Monstra is presented in partnership with BARCO and Iaspis, the Swedish Arts Grants Committee’s International Programme for Visual and Applied Artists.
Curator: Joa Ljungberg
Sensing Nature from within: Monstra
Date: February 8th 2020.
Time: 14.00-15.00.
Cost: Free admission.
Tickets: Limited number of seats, pre-booking is required. The event is now fully booked. Click here to register to the reserve list.
It is not permitted to use video or audio recording equipment, and photography is not allowed during the performance.