Hanna Ljungh, Curiosity Cabinets: You, me, rock, mountain: commodities of the quantified universe, 2017–2019. Sculptures. Photo: Aage A. Mikalsen © Hanna Ljungh
Sensing Nature from Within: On the Affinity Between Human and Mountain
Seminar, talk and after work
21.11 2019
The seminar begins with two lectures followed by a moderated discussion between seminar participants and the audience. If you like to continue the discussions, our cafe is open for happy hour after the seminar.
Hanna Ljungh:Artist who explores the relationship between the human body and the matter we call stone, ground, soil, land and mountain.
Jonna Bornemark: Philosopher and writer. Associate Professor at The Centre for Studies in Practical Knowledge at Södertörn University. Her recent book (Det omätbaras renässans: en uppgörelse med pedanternas världsherravälde) helps us to reconnect with our sensuous bodies and with life itself.
Moderator: Pella Larsdotter Thiel. Ecologist working with Transition, in a broad sense. Co-founder of the Transition network, Lodyn and End Ecocide Sverige.
Curator: Joa Ljungberg
Sensing Nature from Within: On the Affinity Between Human and Mountain
Date: November 21st 2019
Time: 16-18, followed by happy hour in our café.
Language: The talk is held in Swedish.
Cost: Free admission.
Tickets: A small number of tickets are released three weeks before each seminar and picked up at the reception here at the museum. You can only pick up two tickets. Please note that you must show up at least ten minutes before the seminar starts and bring your ticket, otherwise your reservation will disappear.
The rest of the seats are released when the entrance to the seminar opens. Entrance will open 20 minutes before each seminar begins. These places cannot be pre-booked.First come, first served!
The programme has been developed in collaboration with the Agenda 2030 Graduate School at Lund University. All events (aside from one performance) take place at Moderna Museet Malmö and are followed by a happy hour in our café. With support from Region Skåne.
Please note that the seminar will be filmed. If you will attend, and don’t want to appear in the film, we recommend that you sit in the back rows and tell the photographer.