The first section for children starts approximately at 11:15
By Delia Hess (Animation, 2018, Switzerland, 8:40)
On a small planet, caught up in their own little private universe, the inhabitants perform their poetically surreal actions, which repeat themselves in an endless loop. That they are all part of a complex little ecosystem which can only function if each of them plays his or her role, is something they are unaware of.
By Sepehr Shokri (Animation, 2019, Iran, 3:28)
If you’re weak in something, just try to be your own best. And never forget to dream.
By Uzi Geffenblad (Animation, 2018, Sweden, 9:30)
Betty is a lonely, hungry cat out fishing in the middle of the night. The only thing that she catch is garbage. But she comes up with a solution, even if her patience is put to the test. Fisketur is based on Lotta Geffenblad’s picture book “Betty mitt i natten”.
By Charlotta Lennartsdotter (Animation, 2018, Sweden, 10:00)
A girl spends a beautiful summer day with her grandfather. On their way down to the water they meet all the animals of the summer, who also enjoy the sun.
Odd är ett ägg
By Kristin Ulseth (Animation, 2017, Norway, 12:00)
Odd has a certain disability – his head is an egg. He can only dream of playing football, climbing trees or even just to play with other children. Until he falls head over heels for the very exuberant and fearless bee Gun. He has so much fun with her that he completely forgets his fragile head.
By Gustavo Arteaga (Animation, 2019, United Kingdom, 1:06)
We are bound to the choices we make. A take on the consequences of ocean pollution.
The second section for youths starts approximately at 12:30
Främling (Stranger)
By Emma Andersson (Drama|Documentary, 2019, Sweden, 21:27)
Jonas lives in a tiny village called Teckomatorp, located in the south of Sweden. Far away from what others see as their reality he spend his days roaming around the streets, checking up on his old friend Rune and feeding his neighbors cats. With non-judgemental eyes I try to approach someone who once disappeared out of my life. My father. Who is he? Do we share the same view of what has been? Why wasn’t he there for me when I needed him?
By Justine Goaziou, Samantha Vié (Drama, 2019, France, 14:00)
Like many young girls from her age, Moustine, twelve years old, dreams of becoming a ballet dancer as to integrate the prestigious ballet of Moustaco. But in the city of Moustaco, everybody wears the mustache, unfortunately Moustine was born… without one. But evidently “impossible isn’t Moustine!”
Sleepless Night
By Amiran Tchikhinachvili (Animation, 2019, The Netherlands, 2:00)
Every time the light is switched off, the mosquito becomes active. His annoying buzzing does not allow the man to fall asleep. The buzzing stops when he switches the lights back on. This cycle repeats till the protagonist’s irritation reaches its climax and a fight breaks loose between them.
October Boy (Oktoberdreng)
By Søren Green (Drama, 2018, Denmark, 29:20)
14-year-old Thomas has just moved to Copenhagen with his mom. Thomas likes to draw, it’s a way for him to escape from the pressure around him. In school he meets Mads and Emma. Mads likes Thomas’ drawings, whereas Emma is romantically interested in Thomas and invites him home with her. Just before leaving, Thomas meets Emmas older brother, a young, emerging artist. The meeting changes something within him. Rumors start circulating about Emma and Thomas – and he doesn’t deny them. Thomas can’t understand his feelings, how to act in the new school or control the lies, he has created to be popular. “October Boy” is film about all the things that change us as people.
By Herminio Cardiel (Short, 2019, Spain, 7:15)
Want but not be able to…
Not Today
By Marine Jacob (Animation, 2018, Belgium, 5:20)
Mamy, a nice little lady, has not had a visit for a long time. So when one day, Death comes ringing at her door, the old lady is determined to have fun.
The third section for adults starts approximately at 14:45
Smoke Through a Spider Web (Madariyeko Nilo Dhuwan)
By Niranjan Raj Bhetwal (Drama, 2018, Nepal, 14:57)
The film is set in a remote village in Nepal, where the society is still segregated by the system of caste and beliefs. Sabitri, who’s from a lower caste is a trained stove maker and she along with her husband travels around her village to make a stove. But people, afraid of getting their kitchen impure by the entry of such lower class people, rejects Sabitri to build a stove inside their home.
Bear With Me
By Daphna Awadish (Animation|Documentary, 2019, The Netherlands, 4:47)
A short animated documentary on immigrants who left their home and crossed borders for love.
Bringer of Christmas (Jouluntuoja)
By Timo Metsäjoki, Jyri Huhtala (Documentary, 2019, Finland, 11:37)
What makes a man to give up his own Christmas to give Christmas to the others? Why some people are Santas every year? The documentary opens the mindset of a Finnish Santa Claus and follows Santa as he goes from house to house and between the places. The Bringer of Christmas takes the viewer also behind the scenes with other Santas, as they go to sauna and opens up, why they work as Santa in the first place. What is the meaning behind all this work or hobby, and what makes them to do it a year after year, and also at the times when they really don’t enjoy it? The documentary was filmed in Rauma-area, Satakunta, Finland at the Christmas 2018. After all Santas are Santas, for the love of the art and to answer a need.
Pannrummet (Boiler Room)
By Linn Lindström (Stop motion, 2019, Sweden, 18:47)
Four characters are trapped in separate spaces. In isolation, they lose their will and reason for language. Instead they establish strategies reminiscent of a caged animal, deprived of its flock. Moods, sounds and movements recur and the four portrait coalesces.
By Arngrímur Borgþórsson (Documentary|Art, 2018, Sweden, 5:42)
A short narrated video about immigration, sausages and the Icelandic community in Malmö, Sweden, featuring digitally generated Icelandic and Swedish accents.
Festival of The Midnight Sun
By Björn Rallare, Niklas Mertel Ekelund, Peder Carlsson (Short, 2019, Sverige, 8:45)
In 1970 a festival called ‘Festival of the Midnight Sun’ was held in Mantorp, with the ambition of being “Sweden’s Woodstock”. Almost half a century later, two filmmakers share film ideas with each other and the story of the festival comes to mind. The work on the film resulted in the festival Festival Of the Midnight Sun again emerging after 49 years of hibernation.
Game (je(u))
By Nouha Bakkal Mhamdi, Vida Dena (Documentary, 2018, Belgium, 12:40)
Salima, 8 years old and Kadhafi, 10 years old meet each other for the first time. They play games, sing, ask questions from each other, etc. But do the young Syrian boy who fled the war together with his family and the young Marrocan-belgian girl who grow up without any worries in Belgium end up in understanding each other?
On the Border
By Tynchtyk Abylkasymov (Drama, 2019, Kyrgyzstan, 20:00)
This film is about an old man who was unwittingly taken captive by border guards of two neighbouring countries.
Untitled (Burned Rubber on Asphalt, 2018)
By Tinja Ruusuvuori (Documentary, 2019, Finland, 20:00)
In a remote Norwegian village the weaving roads have become the subject of controversy. Assuming the role of detective, the documentary investigates the bewildering phenomena of car skid marks and their mysterious appearance. Winding, looping, curving, the hypnotising patterns reveal unexpected frictions in the village. Some brand the skid marks as an irresponsible and dangerous act, while others view the mesmerizing marks as a form of art.
Films shown all day in the museum’s reception and in the Workshop
The Port
By Evripidis Karydis (Documentary, 2019, United Kingdom, 2:37)
A filmic moment at the port of Hamburg.Barges, tug boats and huge containers glide almost peacefully along the Elbe river. At the same time, it gives a glimpse into the reality of globalized production chains and shipping logistics sector, that remains invisible to most people.
Time Machine (Wehikuł czasu)
By Jan Bujnowski (Documentary|Comedy, Poland, 26:00)
A lonely 55-year-old street artist from Poland lives in London. His parents decide to visit their son after many years of separation. A man wants to take advantage of the chance to resolve an old conflict with his father, not realizing that the real problem is much deeper.
The Worst Conversationalist
By Jishnav Iyer (Animation, 2019, India, 6:41)
A quiet person tries to explain the reasons behind his quietness. Based mostly on the filmmakers own experiences, the film tries to explore the various obstacles faced while socializing.
By Ayat Asadi Rahbar (Drama, 2018, Iran, 30:00)
Raheel, an Afghan national, has illegally traveled to Iran to look for her husband, but there comes up some problems that leave her no hope to move ahead.
Clouds and Shadows
By Andrew Payne (Experimental, 2018, United Kingdom, 1:33)
This short silent film is a combination of two time-lapse films in which the movement in the landscape image on the left affects the movement in the image of the room on the right. The fluctuating light in the room caused by the cloud movements creates the moving shadows on the walls of the room.
The Remains
By Manoj Babu Panta (Drama, 2018, Nepal, 16:27)
The Remains är en ström av medvetenhetsutveckling av en hallucinerande upplevelse av en gammal man i slutet av 70-talet som bor i en isolerad flodstrand. Den gamle mannen känner att hans liv snart slutar och tror att han kommer att förvandlas till en gigantisk fisk. Han vill radera alla sina minnen för att fly från lidande. Men vart han än går, fortsätter hans egen barndomsbild att dyka upp runt honom. Bilden fångar gubben i ett fisknät och de spelar ett typiskt spel i flodstranden.
By Avner Pinchover (Performance|Experimental, 2019, Israel, 11:54)
A man hurls chairs at a wall for 12 minutes in what seems to be a holy-rage attack. This expressive performance-for-camera fluctuates between satisfaction and futility while simultaneously creating compositions of destructive beauty.
I Will Go Backwards of Our Path (Andrò a ritroso della nostra corsa)
Bt Mattia Biondi (Experimental, 2019, Italy, 2:50)
A backwards journey through the seasons and the units of the language. To change the prose of the world, its intact clock. There is always a place more thoroughly, lost images in minimum intervals.
B3IG3 x MAN presents PASTELAE
By Andreas Knag-Danielsen (Documentary | Art, 2019, Sweden, 10:41)
“B3IG3 x Museum Anna Nordlander presents PASTELAE (SE)” is a video documentation of a one-night-only performance and exhibition event that took place at Aurum Hotel Skellefteå 12th of October 2019. The event was led by B3IG3 which is a curatorial and performative platform created by Andreas Knag-Danielsen. B3IG3 always takes place at a hotel and the hosts are different characters created and performed by Knag-Danielsen, based on drag aesthetics, a love-hate relationship with technology and the meeting between the digital and physical world. The event was a collaboration between B3IG3 and Museum Anna Nordlander and the invited artist PASTELAE (aka Josefin Jonsson) is a digital artist working mostly with 3D animations.
Criolo – Etérea (doc/behind the scenes)
By Pedro Inoue och Tino Monetti (Documentary, 2019, Brazil, 9:00)
8 performers from different queer collectives of São Paulo talk behind the scenes of a music video dripping in stunning queer defiance.
The Still Sea (El mar inmóvil)
By Macu Machín (Documentary, 2018, Spain, 11:07)
In the islands of dry lava nothing moves the perpetual sea and wind. The salineros are devoted to them. In the art of desalinating the ocean, they have become a landscape.
Probably Dead
By Ivan Grgur (Documentary, 2019, Croatia, 11:00)
How many imaginary deadly diseases can you have before you die from fear and anxiety? This short documentary answers this question by trying to show the surreal world its protagonists are living in. Google hypochondria for beginners: from first self-diagnosis to arguments with doctors to most probable and incoming death. Protagonists that are almost furious that they can’t get the diagnosis they’re expecting, and hunt for the diseases that becomes a disease for itself. A film that walks on the thin line between tragedy and comedy.
“…with a view of the Bosphorus”
By Freja Andersson (Short, 2018, Sverige, 11:18)
On a street in Istanbul. On one side, masked people fire slingshots and on the other, riot police are taking up positions. The balance of power proved fragile overnight. Barricades were set on fire. Between the two fronts, daily life goes on. Tea is served, taxis go about their business. A film about the conquest of public space.
Ashes to Ashes (Tuhkaksi)
By Tuuli Teelahti (Documentary, 2018, Finland)
When a body is cremated, all that remains, is some nails from the coffin. And that’s that.
Last Interview Film of Jonas Mekas
By Chihiro Ito (Documentary, 2019, Japan, 15:00)
This is last filmed interview of Jonas Mekas. This is a last gift from Jonas to us.