Photo: Albin Dahlström/Moderna Museet
Book a guided tour
Filmed guided tours
Get a glimpse of the exhibition “Hilma af Klint – Artist, Researcher, Medium” through our filmed guided tours. Our art educators present selected works in the films. They are published exhibition page Hilma af Klint – Artist, Researcher, Medium and at our YouTube channel.
To book a tour, please use the form below. Please specify the desired date, how large the group is, what exhibition you want to see and billing information.
Any questions? Please contact bokning.malmo@modernamuseet.se.
A guided tour is about an hour. Book at least 2 weeks prior. Guided tours are available in many different languages. Additional fee of 500 SEK for other languages than Swedish. Welcome!
Please note! An additional reduced entrance fee/per person when booking adult groups. Reduced fee is 40 SEK/person from 1 January 2023.
Guided tour Adults
Maximum 30 people
Duration 45 minutes
Price: 1 400 SEK (weekdays)
1 700 SEK (evenings 16.30–17 and weekends)
An additional fee for other languages than Swedish of 500 SEK
Guided tour and workshop
Maximum 25 people
Duration 2 h
Price: 1 500 SEK (weekdays)
2 000SEK (evenings 16.30–17 and weekends)
School and pre-school
Guided tour and workshop
Maximum 25 pupils/group
Duration 2 h
Price: 1 100 SEK (weekdays)
Guided tour
Maximum 30 pupils/group
Duration 45 min
Price: 800 SEK (weekdays)
Contact booking
+46 8 5202 3501 (Tue–Fri 10–12)
Please contact the booking via e-mail: bokning.malmo@modernamuseet.se
Processing of personal data
To make a booking request, you need to send us your personal data (including your name and e-mail address). We process your personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Read more about how we process personal data here: Moderna Museet’s privacy policy