Mark Bengtsson gives a presentation of Lena Cronqvist's painting ”The Madonna”, from 1969. Photo: Åsa Lundén/Moderna Museet
Sofa tours
Live-streamed guided tours
31.10 2024 – 28.11 2024
Join us for a guided tour in the comfort of your own sofa! Find a comfortable place to sit and join us, and get answers to your questions about art when our staff and guides show some of our works. Sofa tours take place on Thursdays and will be live-streamed at 12 noon on the Moderna Museet Facebook page.
Sofa tours
Live-streamed guided tours on Moderna Museet’s Facebook
Date: Thursdays, see the calendar
Time: at 12 noon.
Duration: 20 minutes
Language: In Swedish
Facebook: Moderna Museet
How do I watch the live streams?
You can access our live-streamed sofa tours on Moderna Museet’s Facebook page. All you need is a Facebook account. You can also ask the guide questions during the live stream in the comments field. If there is no live sofa tour it’s because it hasn’t started yet.
More sofa tips
Moderna Museet’s Youtube channel
The Moderna Museet podcast (in Swedish)