Two persons sitting on the sculpture "Untitled" in the exhibition Te third hand

Photo: My Matson/Moderna Museet

Guided tours for all ages

We welcome school classes to visit Moderna Museet! We have inspiring guided tours and workshop session for all ages. Book a tour or discover the modern and contemporary art on your own!

4–12 years

Book an inspiring guided tour for pupils aged 4–12 years old. Together with an art educator, we look at art in the museum. Then we go on to the Workshop and make things inspired by the art we have seen.

Read more (in swedish): Förskolan och årskurs F-6

Booking form for tours and workshops

13 years and older

Let your pupils experience art with one of our inspiring expert art educators. Book a guided tour on a theme, including tour and workshop session, or visit on your own.

Seeing and discussing art stimulates the students’ ability to analyse what they see. In the encounter with art they practise putting thoughts into words, listening to others and daring to think critically.

We offer students the opportunity to understand themselves and their world better through art. Here they can learn about the art in the museum collection and the historical and cultural context that engendered it.

Read more (in swedish): Årskurs 7-9 och gymnasiet

Booking form for tours and workshops

 Children in front of work by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky, Improvisation No 2, Trauermarsch, 1908 Photo: Miriam Preis/Moderna Museet
Christina Quarles , For Sorrow or Inspiration, 2020 Photo: Åsa Lundén/Moderna Museet

Planning your next visit on your own

Free admission for:

  • School classes with pupils under the age 18 (with a teacher)
  • Accompanying teachers and assistants
  • SFI-classes
  • Day centres/LSS with an art orientation

Prepare your visit

To avoid double bookings for guided tours, please contact our booking office in good time and notify us of the date of your visit. E-mail: booking office

The best time for a visit is Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. A good time to visit on your own is before lunch, when the exhibitions are usually quiet. Tuesdays are usually heavily booked, and you may have to wait to see the exhibition you came for. Pre-booked groups have priority to the exhibitions.

We offer free teachers’ guides in Swedish for selected exhibitions.

Select 4–6 works. Experience has shown that pupils usually get more out of a structured visit, where they have time to study a limited number of works (4–6) in peace, rather than trying to see everything.

Check what works are currently on display by using Search the collection.

Read our rules for visitors: Prepare your visit

At the museum

Always inform the entrance desk that you are visiting with a school class, even if you haven’t booked a guided tour. Each class visiting Moderna Museet will be welcomed by one of our hosts, who will give a short introduction to the Museum and the ongoing exhibitions.

Teachers are responsible for their classes while visiting the Museum. We recommend students to stay with their teachers.

People play around the sculpture group "The Four Elements" by Alexander Calder, outside the Moderna Museet's entrance
Summer at the Museum Photo: My Matson/Moderna Museet

Educational resources

Our current exhibitions and learning activities are presented once every term at our popular teachers’ evenings.

Read more (in Swedish): Lärarkvällar

What did you do?

Share your experiences of visiting Moderna Museet, and give your colleagues new ideas and inspiration! Tell us how you organised your own guided tours and the exercises you did with the kids at the Museum or in the classroom, or any other interesting information about your visit.

Send an e-mail to Helena Åberg, curator of education.

Published 22 May 2015 · Updated 20 August 2024