
Introduction. Anna Tellgren, Curator of Photography, Moderna Museet

1 pm – 1.30 pm
What’s Next?
Marcel Feil, Deputy Director, Artistic Affairs, Foam

1.30 pm – 2 pm
C/O Berlin. Diversity and Equality – Straight Forward
Ann-Christin Bertrand, Curator C/O Berlin

2 pm – 2.30
Fotomuseum 2050
Duncan Forbes, Director and Curator, Fotomuseum Winterthur

Coffee Break 2.30 pm – 3 pm

3 pm – 3.30 pm
The Arab Image Foundation – on collections, preservation and display
Rima Mokaiesh, Director,The Arab Image Foundation

3.30 pm – 5 pm
Panel Discussion. Ann-Christin Bertrand, Marcel Feil, Duncan Forbes, Rima Mokaiesh and Anna Tellgren. Moderator: Gunilla Muhr, Director and Curator, Centrum för fotografi.

More about this program