wooden sculpture with human face

Aage Gaup, Gammalt språk – nya former och flyktingar/Dološ giella – ođđa hápmi ja báhtareaddjit (Old language – new shapes and refugees), 2018 © Aage Gaup. Photo: Thomas Hämén/Statens konstråd

Aage Gaup

Artist, Activist and Scenographer

6.12 2025 – 1.3 2026


Aage Gaup is one of the leading Scandinavian sculptors of his generation, known for his powerful, poetic works. In the 1970s he emerged as an important proponent of Sápmi and the revitalisation of the Sámi cultural scene. This exhibition is the most extensive presentation of his work so far.

Aage Gaup was born in 1943 in Børselv, Norway, and died in 2021 in Karasjok. As a result of the Second World War he was separated from his Sàmi heritage but he later returned to his roots through art. He was one of the co-founders of the radical artist group “Masigruppen/Mázejoavku” in 1978 and an innovative scenographer with the Sàmi national theatre Beaivváš, established in 1981.

Aage Gaup’s work can be described as both harsh and tender. His sculptures are often large in scale and mainly wrought out of wood, but metal and stone works also occur. His oeuvre demonstrates a fascination with the aesthetics of abstraction and a personal exploration of Sàmi spirituality.