OEI #79
17.2 2018 – 1.4 2018
To publish a magazine is not only a matter of producing a physical artefact, but also, and to an ever increasing extent, a matter of intervening in and acting for an entire ecology of publishing, where the possibilities of new and unprejudiced readings incessantly have to be created in new constellations and contexts. OEI #79 emphasizes the material and technical production of a magazine, scanning and printing, editing processes and forms of distribution, but also the magazine as an aesthetic and playful investigative practice, and the forms of social life made possible by editorial assemblages and encounters between people and groups from various fields and disciplines.
Magazines and books, sound-pieces and video-works, projections and displays in exhibition-cases
OEI #79 includes one hundred participants from different generations and geographical horizons in a multi-medial and multi-temporal montage distributed in clusters and sequences over walls, tables, shelves and floor. The challenge is to edit in three and — sometimes — four dimensions. The editorial enunciation circulates between magazines and books, sound-pieces and video-works, projections and displays in exhibition-cases, and aims to raise questions about visualization, reading, attention and criticality, distribution and the infrastructure of publishing. This is realized by means of a thematization of shifting speeds of reading and viewing, a montage between the readable and the visible, between text and image.
Friday evenings with talks on publishing
As a part of OEI #79, we are organizing a series of conversations, presentations and lectures related to editing and publishing during five Friday evenings between February 23 and March 23. Communities of publishers, artists, poets and philosophers from Denmark, France, Portugal and Sweden will then join us at Moderna Museet.
Programme: Edited Friday!
The magazine OEI
OEI was founded in 1999 and is a Stockholm based magazine for experimental forms of thinking and montages between poetry, art, philosophy, film, and documents. OEI #79 will be published in the form of an exhibition at floor 2. The magazine’s editors are Jonas (J) Magnusson and Cecilia Grönberg.
OEI has published 78 issues. In 2002 the imprint OEI editör was started which has published about ninety titles of investigative poetry, aesthetic documents, artist’s books, theoretical and pedagogical texts. As part of their publishing practice OEI has organized close to 300 events: from readings, presentations, lectures and talks to seminars, film screenings and exhibitions.
Editors: Jonas (J) Magnusson and Cecilia Grönberg
OEI #79: Edit/publish/distribute!
Ed. Jonas (J) Magnusson & Cecilia Grönberg.
Issn: 14045095