UIP 27. Från UIP 27. Från Passerelle – Centre for Contemporary Art i Frankrike. Courtesy of the artist. Photo: Bo Tengberg
Joachim Hamou “UIP 27”
UIP is the abbreviation for “United Israel Palestine” and the title refers to a possible future scenario for Israel and Palestine. UIP 27 is a drama-documentary set in the year 2027. A number of time consuming and complicated legal normalization processes are engaged in UIP 2027, such as we known them in South Africa, Peru and Germany. Central in these processes is the re-establishing of a functional and legally backed juridical system. But just as important is to prove that the current system is just and fair. The international community, governed by the United Nations, is the new occupational power and therefore an international court is administrating the conflicts.
Juridical structures are dominant in this part of the extensive ongoing UIP-project. It is from a juridical perspective that all territories, bodies, ownerships and legacies are considered. In contrast psychological relations, both private and public, becomes even clearer in this inhuman condition. The film recordings are made as public events where lawyers, activists, researchers and witnesses participate in a set-design built for the specific occasion. The recordings are alternated with debates that generate material for the actors.
Joachim Hamou (FR/SE/DK) works with both visual art and performing art. For a long period he was based in Copenhagen where he created many independent institutions, such as Rio Bravo. Currently he is based in Paris where he is also part of the collectively run art-space castillo/corales, which is both an exhibition space and publishing house.
Friday, January 23: The legitimacy of laws
2-4 pm. Panel discussion: Israel/Palestine are navigating under several law concepts and constitutions, for example, Ottoman laws used by the Israeli government to appropriate land. How would for instance the ICC (International Criminal Court) deal with such constitutional plurality? Participants: Richard Shusterman, philosopher and former Israeli captain, Poya Pakzad, Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke.
6 pm-8 pm. Film recording: Opening of the court case.
Saturday, January 24: Military testimony
2-4 pm. Panel discussion: How will the military bare the witness of their actions? Is the military loyal to a political system or to a personal conviction, and in any case where is the limit. Can the military be responsible for there action if they are executing the national laws? But more importantly what are their experiences. Participants: Richard Shusterman, philosopher and former Israeli captain, Runa Johannessen, architect and PhD in the relation between architecture and territorial conflict.
6 pm-8 pm. Film recording: Testimony given by Richard Shusterman.
Sunday, January 25: Territorial conception
12 am-2 pm. Panel discussion: Exemplified by atypical case we will se how the territorial conception can be bent and negotiated to any political benefit through the complex use of law and power. Participants: Runa Johannessen, architect and PhD in the relation between architecture and territorial conflict.
4 pm-6 pm. Film recording: Trial evidence from the land survey.
Concept & director: Joachim Hamou.
Participants: Mireille Perrier, Anders Mossling, Leila Haji Linder, Nasreen Aljanabi Larsson, Richard Shusterman, Runa Johannessen, Poya Pakzad and others.
Stage image: Henrik Malmqvist.
Length: the audience are free to come and go during the panel discussion.
Language: English.
Entrance: Free.
Please note that UIP 27 takes place at Inkonst, Bergsgatan 29, Malmö.
UIP 27 is a collaboration with Moderna Museet Malmö as a part of the exhibition Society Acts – Modernautställningen 2014.