Julia Håkansson, 2022 Photo: Avril Meehan
Julia Håkansson: The battle for culture
The rise of contemporary right-wing populism in Sweden and Denmark
15.12 2022
Date: Thursday 15 December
Time: at 17.30–18.30
Location: Loading Dock
Language: Swedish
Tickets: No pre-registration required. First come, first served. Free admission.
Contact: Curator of Learning Susanne Lindblad
Right-wing populism has left its mark on the political climate in both Sweden and Denmark in recent decades. The right-wing populists claim to protect a national community with the aim of countering what they believe is a negative social development. In their presentation of such communities, the national culture is central.
Which culture do the right-wing populists consider to be the national culture? What culture do they think threatens the same? What does a cultural canon actually mean, and what place does it have within the right-wing populist ideology? These are questions that are discussed during the talk.
Julia Håkansson is doing her PhD in history and history didactics at the Department of Society, Culture and Identity at Malmö University. Her research revolves around the use of history and history culture in a political context in Sweden and Denmark, with a focus on the late 1980s and onwards.