CinemAfrica 2013

16.3 2013 – 17.3 2013


This year’s focus is on the best and most recent films by African filmmakers and the African film industry, with a special emphasis on art film and short films.

STOCKHOLM 16-17 MARCH 2013 AT 15
In the Cinema, Moderna Museet
Buy tickets from Bio Rio


Saturday 16 March 2013 at 3 pm
Retrospective Akousa Adoma Owusu, Ghana, 64 min + discussion

In recent years, Akousa Adoma Owusu has made films about identity and race. Her films hover in-between art films, documentaries and feature films. For the first time ever, four of her films will be shown in Sweden. After the screenings, the director will be featured in a discussion.

Sunday 17 March 2013 at 3 pm
Finding Her Roots, a discussion between Akousa Adoma Owusu and Ng’endo Mukii, 30 min + discussion

Two highly topical filmmakers with roots in the African continent. Representing widely different styles, they discuss identity, race, colonialism and hair. This unique encounter between the two features screenings of selected works followed by a discussion.