MMP: Miriam Bäckström

25.3 1999 – 24.5 1999


Miriam Bäckström´s (born in 1967 in Stockholm, where she also lives) photography touches upon one of the great questions of our time: the relationship between image and reality.

Her photographs are direct, sometimes painfully sharp, pictures of for example the estate of a deceased person, film sets and museum milieus. They belong to a documentary tradition but Miriam Bäckström seeks for situations that are more or less arranged, for instance, when someone has recently died and their property is being sorted and packed; a film shoot requires a café environment created like a typical café; a museum wishes to preserve something, which from the beginning was scenery or a kind of stage set. The image are uncompromisingly direct but complex in their multiple layers of fact and fiction. They are about as close to reality as it is possible to come without being real. In Prästgården Miriam Bäckström will show a new series of cibachrome photographs.

Curator: Maria Lind