© Foto: Sten Didrik Bellander

Sten Didrik Bellander

Photographs 1939-1999

8.4 2000 – 28.5 2000


Sten Didrik Bellander (born in 1921) was one of the Swedish photo-graphers who formulated the pictorial style that characterised Swedish photography during the 1950s and ’60s. His photographs were inspired by the humanist photographers in France like Edouard Boubat and Robert Doisneau.

Bellander’s pictures have a purity and austerity in composition, showing natural forms and lyrically describing light and shadow – a cultivation of the essentials.

Curator: Leif Wigh


Sten Didrik Bellander, Modereportage för Sahlins, 1950
Sten Didrik Bellander, Rumänskorna, u.å.

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