Bucky Dome, 1971 Photo: Erik Cornelius/Moderna Museet

The conditions for art in a global media world

The Swedish Artists’ National Organisation’s (KRO) recent 75th anniversary celebration at Moderna Museet made international headlines overnight. Pictures from Makode Linde’s action provoked strong feelings and disgust all over the world. A lively debate ensued about structural racism, Swedish naïveté and the responsibility of artists and art institutions. Works of art that automatically involve the viewing audience are not uncommon. Difficult issues arise when an occurrence is transferred from a specific context with local agreements and shared in global media.

STOCKHOLM 19 JUNE 2012 AT 15-17
Admission free
Language: Swedish

40 years ago, Moderna Museet featured the exhibition Utopias & Visions. Part of the exhibition involved sending telex messages to distant places, including Tokyo and New York. The dream of global communications formulated in those days is now fully implemented, and we are living in a world of mediated experiences, where no local contracts between sender and the public apply. What are the consequences of this situation for an institution that is deeply committed to promoting improvisation and artistic spontaneity?

We invite you to an open critical forum in the Bucky Dome that originally featured in Utopias & Visions. On 19 June, starting at 3.00 pm, we will discuss the changing conditions for images and provocative actions in a global media world.


Daniel Birnbaum, Director, Moderna Museet
Ylva Habel, Senior lecturer, Södertörn University
Marianne Lindberg De Geer, Artist
Björn Wiman, Culture Editor, Dagens Nyheter
Måns Wrange, Artist, Vice-Chancellor Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm

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