Johanna Adorján, photo: Peter von Felbert. Johannes Anyuru, photo: Khim Efraimsson. Julian Barnes, photo: Alan Edwards. Daniel Birnbaum, photo: Åsa Lundén/Moderna Museet. Magnus Bärtås, photo: Sofia Runarsdotter. Jason Timbuktu Diakité, photo: Therese Öhrvall. Yukiko Duke, photo: Anna Widoff. Petina Gappah, photo: Marina Cavazza. Hakan Günday, photo: Selen Olzer. Mohsin Hamid, photo: Jillian Edelstein. Daniel Harding, photo: Julian Hargreaves. Kristoffer Leandoer, photo: Marcus Johansson. Sergej Lebedev, photo: privat. Ida Linde, photo: Magnus Liam Karlsson. Ann-Sofi Noring, photo: Åsa Lundén/Moderna Museet. Audur Ava Ólafsdóttir, photo: Anton Brinck. Julia Peirone, photo: Jesper Brandt. Agneta Pleijel, photo: Göran Segeholm. Daniel Sjölin, photo: Göran Segeholm. Hito Steyerl, photo: Trevor Paglen. Lise Tremblay, photo: Normand Rajotte. Cecilia Uddén, photo: Mattias Ahlm. Kjell Westö, photo: Marica Rosengard. Kajsa Öberg Lindsten, photo: Vladimir Grigoriev.
Stockholm Literature 2017
27.10 2017 – 29.10 2017
The following authors will participate in this year’s festival
Johanna Adorján (Germany), the 2017 PO Enquist Prize winner Johannes Anyuru (Sweden), Julian Barnes (UK), Petina Gappah (Zimbabwe), Hakan Günday (Turkey), Mohsin Hamid (Pakistan), Daniel Harding (UK), Sergej Lebedev (Russia), Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir (Iceland), Hito Steyerl (Germany), Lise Tremblay (Canada), and Kjell Westö (Finland).
They will talk to Daniel Birnbaum, Magnus Bärtås, Jason Diakité, Yukiko Duke, Kristoffer Leandoer, Ida Linde, Ann-Sofi Noring, Julia Peirone, Agneta Pleijel, Daniel Sjölin, and Cecilia Uddén. The festival will also feature an installation and accompanying performance by the artists Leif Elggren and Carl Michael von Hausswolff and concerts with Kammarensemblen.
PO Enquist Literary Prize
For the first time, the PO Enquist Literary Prize will be presented at Stockholm Literature, in association with Norstedts Förlag. This year’s winner is Johannes Anyuru. The awarding of the Prize will be followed by a talk with the winner.
The Translation of the Year Prize
The Translation of the Year Prize 2016 will be awarded at Stockholm Literature on 27 October, in collaboration with the Translators’ Section of the Swedish Writers’ Union. The prize goes to Kajsa Öberg Lindsten, for her translation from the Russian of Andrei Platonovs Chevengur (Ersatz).
Tickets 2017
Festival card weekend 300 SEK (reduced price 250 SEK)
Festival card Saturday 200 SEK (reduced price 150 SEK)
Festival card Sunday 200 SEK (reduced price 150 SEK)
Supplementary tickets for the Auditorium 35 SEK
Inauguration 100 SEK
Reduced price for students, seniors and members of the Friends of Moderna Museet.
Tickets required for all events in the Auditorium and the inauguration on Friday. Ticket is only valid together with the Festival Card.
Festival card required for the poetry walks.
Admission free to events in Zone, the Cinema and on the Reading Stage.
Tickets available here on the website. From 17 October 2017 you can also buy tickets at the museum.
Buy Tickets
Festival programme
Support Stockholm Literature
We are very grateful for all contributions towards the funding of Stockholm Literature, regardless of the amount. Please mark your contribution “Stöd till Stockholm Literature” (Contribution to Stockholm Literature). BG 115-7957
Stockholm Literature | Moderna Museet is organised by the NGO Stockholms Litteraturfestival, with Moderna Museet as its key partner, and Dramaten as its permanent partner.
Stockholm Literature 2017 is supported by the Helge Ax:son Johnson Foundation, Embassy of Iceland, Embassy of Canada to Sweden, the Swedish Arts Council, the City of Stockholm, the Stockholm County Council, the Swedish Academy and the Barbro Osher Pro Suecia Foundation. Other partners are Albert Bonniers Förlag, Forum, Internationella biblioteket, Natur & Kultur, Norstedts, Ramús, City of Stockholm Libraries, Weyler Förlag and the literary translators’ section of the Swedish Writers’ Union.
About the organisation
The directors of the Festival association in 2017 are Jonas Modig (Chairman), Malin Nasiell, Ann-Louise Gustavsson, Magnus Florin and Ann-Sofi Noring. The following have been engaged in producing the 2017 edition: Yukiko Duke (Artistic Director), Malin Nasiell (Festival Director) and Sara Henrikson (Public Relations), in close collaboration with Catrin Lundqvist, Curator Moderna Museet, and the Artistic Advisors: Lina Kalmteg, Kristoffer Leandoer and Daniel Sjölin.
Stockholm Literature brings together international literature and practitioners of other arts. Arts organisations, publishers and other interested parties are welcome to suggest events. Stockholm Literature was founded in 2013 by Stefan Ingvarsson and Margareta Petersson.
Föreningen Stockholms Litteraturfestival
Vanadisvägen 8
SE-113 46 Stockholm