About the book Vinter
Lars Tunbjörk has travelled around Sweden in an attempt to capture the atmosphere of the winter months for people living in Scandinavia. The project started as a means of surviving the dark part of the year. This series of photographs has a different mood, colour range and temperament compared to his previous work, but his style, his understated humour and often absurd subject matter are still unmistakable.
Lars Tunbjörk was born 1956 in Borås on the western coast of Sweden and now lives and works in Stockholm. His work has been extensively exhibited internationally and he has published eight monographs, among them Landet utom sig/Country Beside Itself, Office, Home, Dom alla and I Love Borås! He is a member of the picture agency VU in Paris.
Lars Tunbjörk, Vinter
Edited by Greger Ulf Nilson and Lars Tunbjörk.
Text by Anna Tellgren
Book design by Greger Ulf Nilson
144 pages with 105 color plates
Hardcover with tipped-in image