Tuija Lindström, The hand, 1983 Repro photo: Moderna Museet © Tuija Lindström

Stockholm Pride 2023

Guided Tours

3.8 2023 – 4.8 2023


Come along on a guided tour during Stockholm Pride 2023! On two occasions, a guided tour is held in the collection exhibition “Sleepless Nights” or “Pink Sails” focusing on identity, gaze and queer lives. Cultural Scholar Emil Åkerö talks about artists such as Nils Dardel, Robert Mapplethorpe and Tuija Lindström.
photo of two standing boards in exhibition room
Matts Leiderstam, Reconstruction, 1989–2016 Photo: Tobias Fischer/Moderna Museet Bildupphovsrätt 2023

Thursday 3 August 2023

Queer gazes

Pride tour of “Sleepless Nights – From the 1980s in Moderna Museet Collection”
In the exhibition “Sleepless Nights” we see how key events of the 1980s are represented artistically in photography, sculpture, painting and film. This includes the fall of the Berlin Wall and the launching of the Internet.

The AIDS crisis became very palpable in art and culture contexts, and many artists were strongly affected by both the disease and the homophobia that followed.

Using artworks by artists such as Matts Leiderstam, Tuija Lindström, David Wojnarowicz and Robert Mapplethorpe, Cultural Scholar Emil Åkerö shows how the artists portrayed same-sex desire and the theme of HIV.

Friday 4 August 2023

Collected desires

Pride tour of “Pink Sails – Swedish Modernism in Moderna Museet collection”
The exhibition “Pink Sails” highlights some of the stories which have characterized Swedish Modernism. With works from the early 20th century until the 1940s the artists reflect how artists were affected by social changes and influences from major European cities.

International was alluring, but so was the lifestyle in cities like Paris where there was more opportunity to express one’s identity. Rolf de Maré came to the city in the 1920s to create a cross-border dance company with his partner Jean Björlin. In Sweden, he had been harassed for his non-normative lifestyle, and the outstanding art collection he had built up with the help of his friend Nils Dardel had been ridiculed.

Using Rolf de Maré as a starting point, Cultural Scholar Emil Åkerö shows how artists like Ivar Lönnberg and Nils Dardel related to and expressed their desires in a time of low tolerance for a life outside the norm.

A man lies surrounded by mourning friends, with a look of suffering on his face
Nils Dardel, The Dying Dandy, 1918 Photo: Prallan Allsten / Moderna Museet