Moderna Museet’s youth council 202

Moderna Museet’s youth council 2024. Photo: My Matson

Moderna Museet’s Youth council

Young thoughts on art


Moderna Museet’s youth council started in the spring of 2020 as a way to increase young people’s influence on the museum. You can follow and read more on the council’s work here. Don’t miss the series of films “Young thoughts on art”, where the council talk about some of their favorite works in the museum’s collection.

Young thoughts on art

In the series “Young thoughts on art” members from Moderna Museet’s Youth council share personal stories on an artwork of their own choosing from the collection.

They talk about thoughts, feelings and memories, things that can be evoked when encountering art.

Hanna on “The Red Blind”

In this episode Hanna talks about the painting “The Red Blind” (1918) by the artist Sigrid Hjertén.

“I think the artwork’s title is funny, that it’s named after the red blind. One can wonder, is that really focusing on the right thing? I mean, she’s the one we are looking at! I can imagine that it’s a kind of satire, women aren’t supposed to be the focal point”, says Hanna in the video.

Watch all episodes (in swedish) on our Youtube channel: Young thoughts on art