Kristin Lundell, press officer and Maria Taube, curator at Moderna Museet. Photo: Åsa Lundén/Moderna Museet

14.5 2019

How to look at art with your ears

Are three-year-olds expressionists or futurists? Can toddlers appreciate modern art? And what do you do when a whole upper secondary school class acts up even before the guided tour has started? In the latest episode of the Moderna Museet podcast, the curator Maria Taube talks about art education at the Museum.

Maria Taube is a curator with more than 30 years of experience in the field of learning at Moderna Museet. In the podcast she talks to Kristin Lundell about how we can look at art with our ears, and why both punk rockers and middle-aged women can feel a connection to Rauschenberg’s ”Monogram” (aka The Goat).

Moderna Museet will publish ten episodes of the podcast in spring 2019. Opening music: “Walk on By” by Perro Del Mar. The podcast is in Swedish.

Listen to all episodes here:


Published 14 May 2019 · Updated 30 August 2024
