Magnus Thierfelder
It could be said that it is function that is being paused in Thierfelder’s works. The focus is shifted instead to the objects. Frequently the systems that keep everyday life in check have been inactivated. A few plastic plants leave their pots and press their leaves against the ceiling. And frequently it is with the surrounding space that the works conduct a dialogue that is both literal and metaphorical. A crack in the floor, a water-pipe that has sprung a leak. Something unwelcome in one context becomes a welcome visitor in another. When the title turns into Fountain the meanings shift and the function becomes expected.
Thierfelder’s subjects, his themes, live right next to us in our daily lives, so close that we normally do not notice them. They can be found in homes and public spaces, in places of work, in newspapers and films. They get shifted in scale into ingenious sculptures and installations. A tornado has been blown up from a square box in a comic to fill an entire room. And there we are with our heads between our knees and our tongues touching the floor.
Magnus Thierfelder
Born 1976 in Glumslöv. Lives and works in Malmö.
Malmö Art Academy, Malmö
Selected solo exhibitions
Skånes Konstförening, Malmö
Elastic, Malmö
Galleri Mors Mössa, Gothenburg
Selected group exhibitions
KHM 10th Anniversary, Rooseum, Malmö
Lost in translation, HAU, Athens [GR]
From Nowhere To Somewhere Without Return: the Knowledge, Coleman Projects, London [GB]
Selected bibliography
Fred Andersson, Svenska Dagbladet, 2005-10-03.
Johan Svensson, Skånes Konstförening, 2005.
Rebecca Geldard Time Out London, 2004-11-24.